Sunday, September 11, 2011

Happy Birthday!

My birthday was so much fun!! Here are some pictures:

My darling roommate, Meg, made me a brownie/ chocolate and vanilla frozen yogurt/ Lucky Charms/ "happy birthday" stick-figure man dessert. I did not eat it all...I had help. It was good!
I woke up, on my birthday morning, to find these Sticky Notes on my bed from Darling Meg.

(The last one says "Enjoy today! Love, Meg.")

I found this little beauty one my door. Kind of a funny inside joke--there is an IT guy whose name is Gaston. I was joking with my friend asking if he was dashing and cute. She said "A little ", so we looked him up on FaceBook. He's a body builder. Now you get it?

My amazing RA, Rhianna, left these notes for me on the mirrors:

(2C is my section in my dorm, FYI)
Mikela made me delicious brownies! And I found about 15 different notes left on my desk.My parents sent me some balloons!
Dr. Lee didn't even know it was my birthday, but class outside on the grass was a birthday present in my opinion. And, for the record, this picture was taken during our five minute break.

My amazing neighbors, Anna and Heather, threw a surprise tea party for me! Compete with scones, chai tea, Mad Gab, tons of friends, and laughter.The amazing hosts:
So. Stinkin'. Fun!

The following night, a group of about ten of us went to go see "The Help". If you haven't seen it, go see it!! I've seen it twice and I LOVE it. So good.

Plus, 112 people wrote on my FaceBook wall and I got 23 "Happy birthday!!" texts and one "17 Things I Love About Margie" text. I thought I might add.

Overall, I had a pretty darn great day!