Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Happy Birthday to Ray Ray!

Happy 5th birthday to my Ray Ray!!

I love this little Ethiopian princess so much! She is one of the best things that has ever happened to me.

I love when she wants to snuggle with me (although not in the morning, she informed me, because "[I] am really nice, but not in the morning. [I'm] grouchy in the morning."); I love it when she wants to hold my hand; I love it when she wants to run errands with me, not because I might buy her an ICEE (which is very possible--weak spot), but because she wants to hang out with me; I love it when she really wants to help me wash the car; I love it when she REALLY wants to help me cook or bake; I love her.

Yup, she drives me CRAZY sometimes, but isn't that the job of a little sister?

Happy birthday to my Ray Ray, my Roo, my Rooby, my Ethiopian Princess, my Eli Roo, and all of her other little nicknames we've all dubbed her. I LOVE YOU!!!

Here are some of my favourite pictures of my birthday baby:


  1. She is sooo beautiful! I love the baby pics with those big smiling eyes! So precious! <3

  2. that was my comment...idk why it didnt say my name. lol just so you know i'm not a creeper...or a guy in love with you stalking your blog...or a guy who thinks you're "my" girl :P hahaha
