Tuesday, January 17, 2012

My Dream Last Night

Last night my dream was too fantastically strange not to share with you.

In my dream, there was this guy (isn't there always a guy?) and he was wonderful.

He was handsome, he was smart, he owned a bright red convertible something, and he stole my heart throughout the dream.

I was taking a drive with him somewhere (did it really matter where? Answer: No) and he and I were talking. I was wearing shorter shorts and was trying to pull them lower to cover the "scars" on my legs that I was embarrassed about so he wouldn't see them, but he told me he thought they were beautiful and he thought I was beautiful.

We held hands...

It was romantic.

And I was in love.

When we got back to Westmont, I raced to find my friends to tell them of this man (unnamed of course, but does that matter in a dream? Answer: No) who lived in Emerson Hall and how much I loved him and how I wanted to marry him.

He and I went out for another drive to go get some food the next day. We talked about getting married and he told me just how much he loved me.

I thought I was going to die.

Or explode.

Or some combination of the two.

As we were returning back to campus, a police officer pulled us over. He demanded that my man get out of the car and as he got out, the policeman handcuffed him, marched him to his car, and drove off.

I followed them in his car to a weird building with my two friends along side me for support (who weren't with us initially, but were now. Does it make sense? Did it matter in my dream? Answer: No) and ran inside.

The harsh lady at the front desk had me watch a documentary/video thingy about the man I loved that would explain why they arrested him.

He was a serial rapist.

(I fell in love with a serial rapist!? You'd THINK I would have sensed something!)

I sobbed my way though the video and asked if there was anyway he could get out of jail.

They told me that if I was an attorney I could represent him in court and he would be set free, but because I was in college and hadn't gone to law school yet I couldn't represent him and he had to go to jail forever.

And I couldn't marry him.

I woke up then.

Okay, WHAT that HECK?! I woke up all weepy and emotional too....who has dreams like that?!

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